Tired of the show? Us too. And that's why we seek to ground ourselves in something older and deeper, with lots of characters: Tim Keller, C.S. Lewis, G.K. Chesterton, John Knox, John Calvin, Martin Luther, Augustine...
We trace our roots to the Creeds and the Apostles and the first century Christians. It shouldn't be surprising, then, that Worship is one of our deepest values.
Yet we are also Americans, products of an increasingly post-Christian culture. It is easy to "consume" worship (turning it into a product to suit our spiritual tastes). Or to "ignore" worship (thinking it doesn't really matter). We think both of these attitudes are deadly.
At All Souls, we try to see Worship as a verb - a heartfelt response to a personal encounter with the living God of the Bible; and it can only happen through repentance, belief, and understanding the Gospel. Faith!
But Worship is also a noun - a public ritual that invites everyone (“all souls!”) to reckon with the great claims of Christianity, and with the unbelief that lurks in all of us. Doubts!
A Worship Service should speak to both.
So we align ourselves with the ancient church whenever possible (we are gently liturgical, we celebrate old truths). But we seek to to do so in a way that speaks to the questions our culture is asking (honest answers for honest questions).
We think the result is pretty unique - a fresh encounter, with an ancient faith. Sacred Americana. And it happens in our living rooms.
It's probably easier to experience than to explain. The best way to do that is to visit. We see ourselves as a collection of “house churches” - one church, with clusters in and around Austin, TX, worshipping together on Sundays at 10am.
Kids are welcome. And so are friends.
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